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1M+Active users

Supercharge your browser with AI
Write faster and better

Improve and proofread your writing on any web page. Draft compelling emails, articles, posts, papers, and more.

Add to Chrome — It's Free
Powered by
Claude 3.5 Sonnet
Gemini 1.5 Pro

Trusted by businesses and universities across the world



How it works

STEP 1Add to browserAdd extension to your browser to save time on every web page with AI. It's free and 100% privacy friendly.
STEP 3Boost productivityRead faster. Write better. Get answers. Supercharge your productivity across the web with AI. Save hours every day.
Writing assistant

Write better in a few clicks - Be professional, clear, convincing

Improve your writing with AI suggestions anywhere you write.Ensure your writing is mistake-free with AI proofreading.Easily change writing style or simplify language with 1-click.Powered by GPT-4o, Claude-3-Opus, Gemini-1.5-Pro.
Write better in a few clicks - Be professional, clear, convincing
Content generator

Let AI handle the first draft for you

Save time and get better results with our AI prompt library.Get rid of blank pages and writer's block with AI draft.Generate human-like and SEO-optimized articles and blog posts.Craft compelling articles, social media posts, papers, and more.
Let AI handle the first draft for you
Translation assistant

Break language barriers with AI-powered translation

Break language barriers with AI-powered translationAccess information in any language.Get writing help across multiple languages.
Break language barriers with AI-powered translation
Email and communication

Save time on email correspondence

Reply to emails in seconds with brief notes.Let AI handle the first draft.Improve tone, check spelling and grammar.Communicate more effectively and efficiently.
Save time on email correspondence
Browser extension

Works where you work

MaxAI works across all the web apps and sites you use.No copying, no pasting, no context switching.Get AI help, right where you need it.
Works where you work

They love MaxAI

Financial Services
Real Estate
"The most accessible way to automate repetitive stuff I do on Chrome! Feels too good to be free XD"
Idan Dalal

Idan Dalal

Get started for free

Use personalized 1-click AI anywhere to save hours every day.Add to Chrome — It's Free